
Posts in process
My Process

Three minutes of paper scrapping/

In late 2017, I completed an 8-week fellowship here in Pittsburgh with fifteen other artists (all working in different artistic mediums: dance, photography, writing, film, painting, and so on).

As a final assignment, the organizers asked us to give a three minute presentation about our work (this was a clever bookend to the fellowship which began with us giving a similar presentation on the very first day ... so this final presentation was meant to illustrate how much better we were are talking about our work, ourselves, our process, our vision, etc.).

Some fellows performed, others utilized PowerPoint ... I made the short video above which played behind me as I spoke about my process. The video doesn't have what I actually said (in fact, there's no sound), but I think, visually, it's holds its own.

Starting Points

Let the failing begin.

mat board + tools

I feel like I've been working on this web redesign for three years. But the reality is that I've merely been thinking about working on this redesign for that long. 

I've allowed myself to be psyched out by the challenge of creating work worth sharing—and blogging about things that are worth reading. 

I know this is normal. This fear to begin. Because once you begin, you can fail. 

But failing is always better than never beginning. 

So I'm prepared to fail. And fail again. 

Let the failing begin.